Love Growth He Shou Wu Salve

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To ensure proper hair growth, the blood must be nourished!

Blood tonics are great for hair loss and skin luster. Specifically, He Shou Wu, tonifies both the Liver and Kidneys, nourishes the blood, and supports the essence. It is especially great for patterns of yin or blood deficiency with signs as dizziness, blurred vision, hair loss, premature grey hair, weakness in the lower back and knees, sore extremities, insomnia and more.

Chief ingredients of my slow brewed and hand-crafted hair and scalp oil (Love Growth), are He Shou Wu and Rosemary extracts. These herbs and more are marinated in jojoba oil to provide the hair and scalp with essential fatty acids and nutrients. The salve is solidified with natural beeswax.

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